Pencil and Paint

These paintings, as a group represent the beginning of my resolve to paint more in 2014.

Submission for the We Are The Contributors Project #2: Beginnings

These initial paintings are about jumping in, getting something down on the page, and building the momentum. I worked quickly on each piece. I didn’t over think it and I didn’t judge any of it as “good” or “bad”. I was immersed in the process, laying the groundwork to be able to move forward with energy and enthusiasm.

I’ve only shared 9 of the 32 works I created, with the intention of taking each one further than this initial stage.

By now the new year is well under way. What are you beginning, or what have you recently begun? Even if you started something a month or two ago, I’d love to know about any new territory you are exploring, what new art medium you’re giving a try, or if you’ve started a long term project for 2014.

2 Replies to “Pencil and Paint”

  1. Anika, I know I’ve said this a million times but I will continue to say it over and over (because it becomes more and more true EVERYDAY): Your dedication to creating and to the projects you participate in is EXTREMELY inspirational. Thank you for doing what YOU do!

  2. Hi, Just found your Arranged Neatly board on Pinterest, and can’t tell you how much i enjoyed looking at them all….thank you so much for posting these! Your other boards are wonderful as well, esp. the palettes (i teach watercolor). What is so endlessly fascinating about many small objects, arranged in a grid? Who knows…but thank you for feeding my addiction.

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